Friday, March 12, 2010

The Coming Apocalypse

Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me. For starters, tomorrow is the bachelor party for a college friend of mine, but that's not what makes it a big day nerd-wise (although we are going to play laser tag). No, my friends, tomorrow I am running an Apocalypse megabattle. My first Apocalypse megabattle.

Now, I've run many an event in my day, between working for GW a while back, and running a gaming club for the last two years. But this is Apocalypse, man! There will be thirteen players, fielding almost 35,000 points and at least half a dozen super-heavies. Personally, I get to throw down with a borrowed Stormlord and Thunderbolt fighter.

Anyway, you can expect a full battle report from me on Sunday. It might take until Sunday afternoon, as I have that bachelor party tomorrow night. So on to war!


  1. Oh dear I forgot I have to put Stompy back together...

  2. Well you'd best hurry, or there won't be much to take down our swarm of Baneblades!

  3. Love to see some pics of the table top!

  4. One of our club members definitely snapped a bunch of photos, so I'll just have to get them from him. I, unfortunately, forgot my own camera in my rush to show up on time!

  5. Ha! The poster is so true. I actually took a "Mental Health" day off from work to finalze my list and prepare my models for deployment.

    I called in "cough, cough" sick early in the morning, while my wife shook her head in amazed disbelief. If anyone asks, I was sick with some xenos plague.

  6. Happens to the best of us. I felt like a needed a mental health day afterward, even though it went really well. Six straight hours of gaming was a good time, but taxing.
