Friday, June 4, 2010

Nerdblog Fail

Yes, I freely admit it. I think I've hit the point of Fail, though, hopefully, not Epic Fail. If anyone out there is still reading this, I apologize. For some reason, the latter half of May was a very unmotivated time, but now it's June, the summer is here and the school year is almost over. I'm getting back to the blogging scene, and come Sunday I'll have some WIP pics of Blood Angels. Yes, I'm actually getting paint on the models, now. So hopefully someone out there is still taking a gander here from time to time, and here's to getting much done over the next few months!


  1. I'm checking. And if it makes you feel better, I started a blog...and haven't posted once to it. F A I L.

  2. Hah! I guess that makes me feel a tiny iota better. Start posting up! And I'm glad you're still checking. Here's hoping I don't disappoint, as I really need to get crap done during the summer months.

  3. Hello? Is this thing on? Oh yeah, there you are. :P

    With work being slow these days I am contemplating reviving my blog as well, not that anything too important ever happens in my life ;).

  4. Heh, these things happen. My problem is getting motivated to work on those little buggers. There're too many distractions. . .like Empire: Total War, for example, that has been sucking up a LOT of my time.
